Spain 2006

Characters soundtrack diarypictures


Cast of Characters

I went on the trip with a bunch of people (about 20), who you will meet throughout the diary section. However, I would like to take a moment to introduce you to my running crew, without whom most of these stories would not be possible.



This isn't my best picture of Mel, nor my favorite from the trip, but I think it best expresses his emotion about being the only guy on the trip. Sure, it sounds cool. . .until you actually live it and are forced to go on endless shopping ventures and carry purses. Thankfully (for Mel), it wasn't really my idea of a good time, either, so Mel became part of my running crew.



This is Elizabeth pre-flight, pre-being exposed to me as a roommate. She's in the National Guard, so I believe she's had some training on enduring psychological torture AKA "rooming with a morning person. . .who likes to dance. . .all the time."



Jen, AKA "Barbie Got Skills", is my roommate from the Germany trip. We tend to be nothing but trouble together. Spain was no exception. . .even with a 12:30 AM curfew!


Just wanted to make the big announcement that I am now a Master of the Universe. I completed my MBA before taking this Spain trip. You may now call me "Master."